About Us

Phoenix Drama East Lothian children's club after school activity
What do we do?
We are a children's club based in Pencaitland, East Lothian. We offer a fun after school activity for children aged 6 upwards.

How do we do it?
Led by an experienced Primary School Teacher, offering a range of drama, emotional literacy and NLP skills. Sessions are tailored to specific age groups.

What makes us different?
We are more than just a drama group. We offer children a chance to learn specific skills to increase their resilience, confidence, ability to manage emotions and get along with others. We want to teach children to be happier.

Our Aims
  •  To provide a club which offers fun, quality experiences for children. 
  •  For all children to feel involved, valued and respected. 
  •  To offer a safe, well planned and quality controlled after school activity that parents and children are happy with. 
  •  To use a child centred approach to planning, using the children's imagination and interests as starting points. 
  •  To incorporate the teaching of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Emotional Literacy skills and strategies, offering children enhanced life skill learning.